Friday, May 13, 2011

This Week in Science (Fruit Fly DYO Part 1)

This week in science we did a lot of work. We switched all the tables into 3 stations. Then we went to each station doing different things. We observed our spider and fruit flies. We also checked on our habitat and on our flies. We started a DYO based on our flies. We made a table in our book to record things about our multiplying flies.
We learned a lot of things too. We learned about different types of graphs. We learned that line graphs are for changing and bar graphs are for comparing things. We learned how to make a hypothesis. We also learned about variables and how to involve it in our hypothesis. We learned more about flies too by doing background research.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Post 8: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 1)

This week in science was cool. We received the flies that we ordered and put the teachers put them into tubes. We then studied our habitats again and we studied the flies. We first studied the flies with a glass magnifier. We also received a paper showing all kinds of body parts of a fly. After studying and drawing the flies, we took a closer look at it with a Microscope.

We learned a lot about the flies too. We learned about male flies and female flies. Females flies are actually bigger than male flies. male flies also have a darker bottom. The female stores the males sperm and then makes babies. the egg hatches in a day, turns into a larva, becomes a pupa for 6 days, and then becomes an adult. We learned so much about little flies. this is what we learned this week in science.

This Week in Science (Ecosystems)

My team, putting in organisms in our habitat
     Last week in science we had a lot of fun. We made a design habitat to predict on what type of habitat our spider will live in. We then went on a trip to a garden to actually make our habitats. We dug up dirt, put moss, put worms, and put twigs in our container. I wanted to learn more about all of this. We learned that the worms we had were called earth worms, we learned there were different types of moss, and more.

This week in science we explored our habitat and saw all the changes within it. Our moss grew, our worms disappeared, and more. We figured out what type of kingdom our animal belonged in, and color coded it.We also researched and created an accurate illustration of our habitat. I learned alot about moss. They are non-vascular plants that absorb water and nutrients through their leaves.
Our humid habitat
 I want to also learn about the earth worms. We had about 6 earth worms in our habitat